######## Lighttpd ######## If you serve Django behind `Lighttpd`, then you can delegate the file streaming to `Lighttpd` and get increased performance: * lower resources used by Python/Django workers ; * faster download. See `Lighttpd X-Sendfile documentation`_ for details. .. note:: Currently, `django_downloadview` supports ``X-Sendfile``, but not ``X-Sendfile2``. If you need ``X-Sendfile2`` or know how to handle it, check `X-Sendfile2 feature request on django_downloadview's bugtracker`_. ***************** Known limitations ***************** * Lighttpd needs access to the resource by path on local filesystem. * Thus only files that live on local filesystem can be streamed by Lighttpd. ************ Given a view ************ Let's consider the following view: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/lighttpd/views.py :language: python :lines: 1-6, 8-17 What is important here is that the files will have an ``url`` property implemented by storage. Let's setup an optimization rule based on that URL. .. note:: It is generally easier to setup rules based on URL rather than based on name in filesystem. This is because path is generally relative to storage, whereas URL usually contains some storage identifier, i.e. it is easier to target a specific location by URL rather than by filesystem name. *************************** Setup XSendfile middlewares *************************** Make sure ``django_downloadview.SmartDownloadMiddleware`` is in ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` of your `Django` settings. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/settings.py :language: python :lines: 64-71 Then set ``django_downloadview.lighttpd.XSendfileMiddleware`` as ``DOWNLOADVIEW_BACKEND``: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/settings.py :language: python :lines: 78 Then register as many ``DOWNLOADVIEW_RULES`` as you wish: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/settings.py :language: python :lines: 80, 94-96, 102, 103 Each item in ``DOWNLOADVIEW_RULES`` is a dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the middleware factory. In the example above, we capture responses by ``source_url`` and convert them to internal redirects to ``destination_dir``. .. autoclass:: django_downloadview.lighttpd.middlewares.XSendfileMiddleware :members: :inherited-members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :member-order: bysource **************************************** Per-view setup with x_sendfile decorator **************************************** Middlewares should be enough for most use cases, but you may want per-view configuration. For `Lighttpd`, there is ``x_sendfile``: .. autofunction:: django_downloadview.lighttpd.decorators.x_sendfile As an example: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/lighttpd/views.py :language: python :lines: 1-7, 18- ************************************* Test responses with assert_x_sendfile ************************************* Use :func:`~django_downloadview.lighttpd.decorators.assert_x_sendfile` function as a shortcut in your tests. .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/lighttpd/tests.py :language: python .. autofunction:: django_downloadview.lighttpd.tests.assert_x_sendfile The tests above assert the `Django` part is OK. Now let's configure `Lighttpd`. ************** Setup Lighttpd ************** See `Lighttpd X-Sendfile documentation`_ for details. ********************************************* Assert everything goes fine with healthchecks ********************************************* :doc:`Healthchecks ` are the best way to check the complete setup. .. rubric:: References .. target-notes:: .. _`Lighttpd X-Sendfile documentation`: http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/X-LIGHTTPD-send-file .. _`X-Sendfile2 feature request on django_downloadview's bugtracker`: https://github.com/benoitbryon/django-downloadview/issues/67