################ HTTPDownloadView ################ .. py:module:: django_downloadview.views.http :class:`HTTPDownloadView` **serves a file given an URL.**, i.e. it acts like a proxy. This view is particularly handy when: * the client does not have access to the file resource, while your Django server does. * the client does trust your server, your server trusts a third-party, you do not want to bother the client with the third-party. ************** Simple example ************** Setup a view to stream files given URL: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/http/views.py :language: python ************ Base options ************ :class:`HTTPDownloadView` inherits from :class:`~django_downloadview.views.base.DownloadMixin`, which has various options such as :attr:`~django_downloadview.views.base.DownloadMixin.basename` or :attr:`~django_downloadview.views.base.DownloadMixin.attachment`. ************* API reference ************* .. autoclass:: HTTPDownloadView :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :member-order: bysource