################ PathDownloadView ################ .. py:module:: django_downloadview.views.path :class:`PathDownloadView` **serves file given a path on local filesystem**. Use this view whenever you just have a path, outside storage or model. .. warning:: Take care of path validation, especially if you compute paths from user input: an attacker may be able to download files from arbitrary locations. In most cases, you should consider managing files in storages, because they implement default security mechanisms. ************** Simple example ************** Setup a view to stream files given path: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/path/views.py :language: python :lines: 1-14 :emphasize-lines: 14 ************ Base options ************ :class:`PathDownloadView` inherits from :class:`~django_downloadview.views.base.DownloadMixin`, which has various options such as :attr:`~django_downloadview.views.base.DownloadMixin.basename` or :attr:`~django_downloadview.views.base.DownloadMixin.attachment`. ************************** Computing path dynamically ************************** Override the :meth:`PathDownloadView.get_path` method to adapt path resolution to your needs: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/path/views.py :language: python :lines: 1-9, 15- The view accepts a ``path`` argument you can setup either in ``as_view`` or via URLconfs: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/demoproject/path/urls.py :language: python :lines: 1-13 ************* API reference ************* .. autoclass:: PathDownloadView :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :member-order: bysource